June 11, 2010

because Adam Savage & Jamie Hyneman havent tried it before

so i will do it first. Afterall they can't even film it, since it's gonna ruin MacDonalds' reputation to certain extent.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the awesome brilliant marvellous superb & fantastic new member of MythBusters:

Brian Soong!!!


So folks, whats our myth today?

This video clip is taken from Youtube.
Question: is it true that the globally renowned MacDonalds' french fries can withstand such long period of time and still remain fresh?

Brian: i dont know, why dont we find out!? :D

The experiment: The Super Fries

Aim: to investigate whether MacDonald's french fries really have such unimaginable longevity as stated in myths.

Manipulated: time of fries left in the container
Respondiung: condition of the fries
Constant: the location of the container, the atmospheric temperature

Materials: Macdonalds' french fries

Apparatus: an air-tight tupperware

- a MacValue MacChicken lunch set was bought back.
- the french fries were devoured until few left.
- a friy was given to the researcher's dog, Lucky.


- the leftover fries were made sure not contaminated and were put into a air-tight container.
- the container was placed in the kitchen which is dry and cool.
- the fries are observed daily. Photos will be taken and updated in the interval of 3-4 days or per week.
- the fries will be kept for atleast 10 weeks.

-this experiment is solely for the benefits for the society, either knowledge-based or entertainment purposes.
-all photos taken will NOT be editted AT ALL in order to obtain accurate results for this experiment.
-all fries inside the container will NOT be altered AT ALL in order to obtain accurate results for this experiment.
-all photos will be taken in time intervals, stored and published WITHOUT altering the original times and dates of photos taken AT ALL in order to obtain accurate results.
-in order to push beyond limit, if, that is IF, the fries are still as fresh as the first day after 10 weeks, food testing will be done on Brian Soong and his dog, Lucky.
-no humans, animals or plants will be harmed in this experiment.
-wish me luck.

Let's Roll!

 Day 1- 11 June 2010

looking fresh.